Obtaining a home loan is never an easy task as one’s age increases. Many people wish to live a comfortable life after retirement, and many wish to do so in their own homes. Though interest rates on home loans are at an all-time low, with certain banks and lending institutions giving loans at over 6.90 percent, retired individuals frequently face difficulties.
Find it challenging to obtain a home loan. While some banks offer particular loan products for retirees and pensioners, the inherent weakness associated with advancing age and greater sensitivity to failing health prevents many banks from accepting loan applications from retired individuals.
In comparison to their younger and working counterparts, retirees are more likely to skip their house loan equated monthly installments (EMIs) or struggle to repay their loans on time due to a lack of consistent income and unexpected unplanned expenses. This frequently results in an increased chance of loan rejection. Many retirees are unaware of some simple elements that can boost their prospects of loan approval and also relieve them of their looming loan liability.
Short Term
Banks, housing finance businesses, and non-bank finance companies all do cross-checks and verifications on the antecedents of retired individuals requesting house loans in order to determine their eligibility for the loan amount. Due to the fact that retirement is associated with a loss of income and an increased risk of disease, lending companies prefer to lend to retirees under the age of 70.
This means that a retired individual over the age of 60 may take out a loan for a maximum of ten years. Retired individuals must apply for short-term loans in order for their loan applications to be examined and authorized in a single transaction.
Reduced Loan Amount
Regardless of the loan-to-value (LTV) ratio professed by the lending firm, retired individuals must opt for a smaller loan amount to facilitate the loan application and approval process. This means that a retired loan applicant must be willing to contribute a significant portion of the property’s cost before borrowing the remainder.
Additionally, a smaller loan amount equates to cheaper EMIs, which increases the borrower’s affordability and reduces the lender’s credit risk. Retired individuals who are unclear of their EMI outflow can utilize an online EMI calculator to assess their money outflow and, consequently, the amount of loan they must apply for.
Related: Documents Required for Loan from Bank?
Including a Co-applicant Aids
Retired individuals seeking a larger loan amount must co-apply with someone who has a solid income and a good credit score. This is due to the fact that retired individuals are only eligible for minor loans. Applying for a joint loan with someone younger and more qualified for loan repayment due to age and regular income enhances the likelihood of obtaining a larger loan amount for a longer payback period at a lower interest rate.
Many retirees recognize that they must pay higher EMIs owing to the loan’s limited-term and can use a co-applicant to borrow more than they can comfortably repay through decreased EMIs due to the loan’s extended repayment horizon.
Insurance as Collateral
Lending organizations may need you to take up a home loan insurance policy in addition to the mortgage in order to avoid the latter from becoming bad debt. While purchasing home loan insurance is not required, retired individuals must do so in order to protect the asset for which the loan is being sought.
However, retired loan applicants who have already purchased an insurance policy are not required to use the home loan insurance option and may instead use their term insurance policies as collateral for the loan. This will ensure that the loan is approved quickly and that the entire loan amount is repaid in the event of the borrower’s untimely death.
Additionally, the retired loan applicant must confirm that the insurance coverage amount is equivalent to or greater than the loan amount in order to secure complete payback of the loan.
Borrowing against the policy’s face value. While both types of insurance policies protect loan applicants in some instances, the loan applicant cannot transfer the home loan insurance policy if the housing loan is refinanced.
Consider a Secured Loan
Banks are generally hesitant to make loans without collateral. As a result, retirees must obtain a secured loan. A loan application that is backed by an asset is more likely to be accepted by lenders. Lending businesses prefer secured loans because the collateral can be utilized to cover the unpaid loan amount if the retired loan applicant defaults on the loan repayment.