The course and recurrence are mentioned only during the maintenance phase mentioned above but can still occur at any time on Toto안전놀이터. Although such relapses may slow the person’s progress, it is very important that the person retains hope and continues to move forward.The above two models have certain limitations and are not perfect, but they can give you the stance you need to win the battle. Now let’s see what we can do.
You may be able to overcome your gambling addiction on your own without asking for help from relatives, friends, partners, professionals, etc. This may seem the most desirable option, but it is the most difficult one on Toto site안전놀이터.
In the late 1970s, a “super-theoretical model” was developed to study the experiences of smokers working on their addiction and to outline multiple stages of change. This model is run on the premise that people change habitual behavior on an ongoing basis in a cyclical process rather than changing it quickly and decisively. Precontemplation: During this stage, people do not realize that their behavior is problematic or can produce negative results. They often overestimate the positive and negative sides of changing their behavior. Contemplation: At this stage, people will start to act healthier or refrain from unhealthy behavior in the foreseeable future.
They recognize that their behavior is problematic and begin to explore the pros and cons of making a change more thoughtfully and realistically. However, these people may not yet be sure if they want to make a difference. Determination: At this stage (also called the preparatory stage), people are ready to take action within the next 30 days. We believe that taking small steps toward the desired change and making a change can lead to a healthier lifestyle.
Action: In the “action” stage, people plan to make changes recently and move on. This may be revealed by changing problematic behaviors or learning a new healthy type of behavior.
Maintenance: At this stage, people will succeed in maintaining the newly revised behavior for a period (defined as more than six months) and will continue to maintain it in the future. We try to prevent a recurrence and don’t want to return to our previous unhealthy behavior.
At this stage, people do not want to return to unhealthy behavior and are confident that it will not recur. However, reaching this stage is extremely rare. Because most people are in a maintenance phase, a terminal phase is rare.
It’s very hard to talk to someone about gambling addiction. You may be afraid to tell your loved ones what you did or didn’t do. Most people who suffer from gambling are afraid to talk to someone, as you are now. However, this is the right thing to do and is very beneficial for you and your recovery process.
Support from friends, family members, and partners can make the difference between a successful recovery and a failure. But if you do not tell them, they will not be able to help you unless they understand it themselves.
The other way is to open your mind to experts and ask for help or help from others who have (or have) experienced the same things as you.
We’ll discuss these in more detail later, but let’s take a closer look at what you can do yourself. The practices and tips discussed in this section will help you overcome your gambling addiction.