IQ Scale- The Highs And Lows Of The Intelligent Quotient Test

IQ Scale

The Term IQ stands for intelligence quotient. A person’s IQ is a standardized test score to assess human intelligence and intellectual capacity. IQ tests feature a variety of questions designed to assess thinking and problem-solving abilities.

IQ Scale

The IQ Scale is a total score from many standardized tests to quantify human ability.

IQ Scale Range

IQ measures your intelligence. The IQ is often assessed using a general IQ scale range, which is as follows:

  • 140 and above: An IQ of 140 and up indicates that you are a genius or near-genius.
  • 120 – 139: An IQ of 120 to 139 indicates that you have superior intellect and are smarter than others. Superior intelligence indicates you are smarter than most individuals but not as smart as someone with an IQ of 140.
  • 110-119: An IQ of 110-119 indicates extraordinary intelligence and that your intelligence is in the middle—that is, it is high but not greater than others.
  • 90-109: An IQ of 90-109 indicates that you have the intelligence of a regular or ordinary person. Normal thinking implies that you are less clever and think more slowly. People who cannot reach a solution or ponder more slowly have normal intellect.
  • 80-89: On the other side, having an intellect of 80-89 indicates that you are bored. A dull individual is someone who indulges in overly pleasurable activities. Dull individuals avoid doing overly challenging tasks.
  • Below 80: Give it another shot! Maybe you’ll realize the reasoning behind certain questions after a few tries. Also, make sure you didn’t leave any questions unanswered; leaving room for doubt will result in a 0-point penalty.

The Results Of An IQ Test

The National Institute of Child Health and Human Development reports that 85 percent of intellectually disabled children has IQs ranging from 55 to 70. A score of 100 is considered average.

High Scores

A high IQ score, more than 100, is normally associated with intelligence. The threshold for extreme intellect is 130 or above. Nonetheless, the effects are stereotyped. A high score typically indicates that the person has a lot of potential rather than being exceptionally “clever.”

Low Scores

A score of less than 100 is deemed “below average” intellect. Extremely low scores, less than 70, typically cause for alarm. They might point to an underlying learning problem.

An IQ test could be an initial step in detecting intellectual issues. If your child’s score is especially low, their doctor may also order:

  • brain ultrasound
  • blood tests
  • full mental health screening
  • adaptive skills screening

Concluding Lines

If you have a high IQ, your intellect and intelligence potential exceed that of your peers. This might indicate that you will do well when facing unexpected or challenging challenges. A high IQ may give you an advantage in some situations, such as gaining the desired job.

A lower IQ does not imply that you are not intellectual or incapable of learning. A poor score should not deter you from working toward your objectives. There is no limit to what you can do.

Anjelica Huston

About the author: Anjelica Huston

Anjelica Huston writes about technology and human potential.

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