Shin Pain Causes and Treatment

Do your shins pain and throb following a daily run or even racing to catch the bus?

It is possible that you have shin splints. You may hear a physician refer to this as medial tibial stress syndrome. The source of the problem is tension on your shinbone and the connective fibres that connect muscles to bones. They become swollen and uncomfortable.

This frequent occurrence can be attributed to the following:

  • Flat feet — when the arch of your foot collapses as a result of the force of a step (your doctor will call this overpronation)
  • Shoes that do not fit properly or do not give adequate support
  • Exercising without a warm-up or cool-down stretch
  • Ankles, hips, or core muscles that are weak

If you’re physically active, you may develop them if you make abrupt changes to your workout routine, such as increasing the intensity, frequency, or duration of your workouts.

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How Are They Cared For?

They frequently self-heal. If you visit a doctor, you can anticipate a comprehensive physical examination. They may like to observe your run in order to identify any concerns. Additionally, they may perform X-rays or bone scans to check for fractures.

  • Allow your body to rest. It need time to mend.
  • Apply ice to the shin to alleviate discomfort and swelling. Perform this exercise for 20-30 minutes every 3–4 hours for 2–3 days, or until the pain subsides.
  • Utilize insoles or orthotics in your footwear. Custom-made or off-the-shelf shoe insoles may help if your arches collapse or flatten when you stand.
  • If necessary, take anti-inflammatory pain medication. Pain and swelling can be alleviated using non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicines (NSAIDs) such as aspirin, ibuprofen, or naproxen. However, these medications may have adverse effects such as an increased risk of bleeding and ulceration. Use them according to the directions on the label, unless your doctor instructs you otherwise.

Four Indications That Your Shin Splints Have Healed

When they are completely healed, you will know:

  • Your wounded leg is just as flexible as the rest of your body.
  • Your wounded limb feels just as strong as the rest of your body.
  • You can exert considerable force on previously painful areas.
  • You can jog, sprint, and jump without experiencing any discomfort.

There is no way to predict precisely when your shin splints will resolve. It relies on the circumstances surrounding its occurrence. Additionally, individuals heal at varying rates; 3 to 6 months is not uncommon.

The critical point is to avoid rushing back into your sport. If you resume exercise before your shin has healed completely, you risk permanently injuring yourself.

Consider adding a new low-impact activity to your routine that will not exacerbate your shin splints as they recover. If you’re a runner, consider swimming or a high-intensity interval cycling program.

If your shin splints do not improve or recur, your doctor may recommend that you consult a physical therapist. They can address problems with your legs or the way you move that may be causing the condition. Additionally, a therapist can assist in relieving pain and guiding your return to sport.

Additionally, they’ll check to see whether you have a stress fracture — microscopic breaks in your tibia.

Anjelica Huston

About the author: Anjelica Huston

Anjelica Huston writes about technology and human potential.

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